International Stud Dog - Vegas Von Dongmiran (imp GMY)
In August 2009 John and Lee Martens travelled to Germany especially to hand pick a young male to compliment the Aimsway breeding program. Aimsway are privileged to be in this partnership with Penny Alder and Rob Van Helvoort of Alderhaus Kennels Western Australia.
After travelling many many kilometres and attending numerous shows throughout Europe and visiting many different kennels, they were fortunate enough to view the young male Vegas Von Dongmiran competing in the junior class at the Sieger Show. They also had the pleasure of watching his parents in the show ring. This boy was not for sale at the time, but they both knew that this was the type of male they wanted and had been searching for and their persistence paid off!
Vegas Von Dongmiran Was Trained By Heiner Honerlage
Aimsway are also very proud of the fact that Vegas’ trainer and handler was Heiner Honerlage. Heiner also trained Reserve Sieger Yerom Vom Haus Salihin to SchH.3 and Korung. Before coming to Australia, Vegas and his dad Yerom both lived with Heiner in Germany.
Vegas Von Dongmiran - HD Normal ED Normal SchH1 KKL1
Date of Birth - 01/04/2008
Sire - Yerom Vom Haus Salihin SchH.3
VA 2 2009 Reserve German Sieger
Sire - Yerom Vom Haus Salihin
Dam - Pischa Von Der Zenteiche SchH.2
VA 3 2009 Dutch Sieger Show
V28 2008 German Sieger Show
Dam - Pischa Von Der Zenteiche
Key characteristics - Vegas Von Dongmiran
Vegas is a large, strong, substantial, typical and expressive dog of good body proportions.
- Strong head
- Pronounced withers, firm back, normal length and lay of croup
- Very good angulations
- Balanced chest proportions
- Temperament and character firm
- TSB pronounced
- A very harmoniously constructed dog that is suitable for the consolidating of medium size and correct forequarter angulation
- He is suitable for the improvement of size, pigment and eye colour
Many, many of Vegas' progeny have successfully gone through the Hip and Elbow schemes and at one point the average "mean" score was 4.85, which is one of Australia's lowest of all current stud dogs. The majority of Vegas' progeny have received the Normal grading for elbows.
We are extremely proud of Vegas as his progeny has been doing exceptionally well in most states since first appearing on the show scene in late 2010, with countless class wins in Australia and New Zealand including major wins. Vegas' progeny has won NINE classes in 3 consecutive Nationals, 2011 - 2013!
John Martens with the Reserve Sieger Yerom at the Sieger Show